How not following a process can cost you a lot
This was somewhere around in Mar-April 2015. I was working with one of the service-based IT company. After working there for around 4 years, I never got onsite travel opportunity. So, I started looking out. In April, I attended interview with one company, all rounds happened in 2 weeks’ time. After last round, HR told me that they will call for documents and then would release offer letter. I waited whole April, nothing happened. Then I started following up in May, it went till July. I was calling them in every 10-15 days, but no response. Then I stopped following.

Finally in Sep first week they called back and asked for my availability. I was obviously available. HR asked about expected CTC, I told some number. He agreed and assured to send the offer in a week’s time. Again, there was no response after one week, so followed up again. Finally, after 2 weeks, they release offer letter.
The day offer came, I resigned in here. There was one auto generated email triggered to my manager notifying him about my resignation and same email came to me also. I forwarded this email to my onsite counterpart. The same day he informed the client also.
Here I did not speak to manager, neither before nor after submitting the resignation. He also got to know just through the auto generated email, also he got to know from his onsite counterparts that I informed there also. My manager got literally angry. He called me and asked why I did not inform him. I said anyways he was supposed to get email, so I did not inform. I am following the process by submitting my resignation in the system. He did not say anything that time.
Later after two weeks, onsite people sent an email, releasing me from the project and moving me to pool/bench. I was so happy that it would be easy for them to relieve me early now as I was not billed anymore, and I am on bench.
In this excitement, I went to my manager, asking him for early release. He was like it is my time to twist the arm. He said he will not release me early as there would be some trainings done by me. So, I asked let’s do it in next 2 weeks’ time and then he can release me. On that he said, I will not release you after that. Let’s follow the process and serve 2 months’ notice completely. There will not be early release. On hearing this, my heart sank like anything. I never expected, a small childish act done in frustration would be so costly for me.
So now I was on bench, doing nothing. Even there was no training also, as there was no replacement for me. It was somewhere in Sep mid I resigned, I got relieved from project in early Oct. My last working was 19th Nov. So, I had almost one and half month to serve my notice period without having any work.
I tried approaching my manager’s manager for early release. He was some director level person, sitting in corner cabin. I asked him time and went to meet him. I explained him my situation and requested him also early release as I was on bench and doing nothing. He gave me a very weird response which I could never understand. He said we don’t have a practice of releasing resources early as they go out and take early joining bonus from next company. I still think how it was a concern for them. Still not able to understand. So finally, I had no other option but to serve notice, while being on bench, doing nothing.
I continued going to office, everyday trying to find some system where I can read something on internet or check my email. Though there was nothing to expect in the email. I discussed this situation with one of my colleagues who was a senior manager in some other practice, he suggested to think positively, utilize this time in learning something new, spend time with family.
In between the notice period, Dussehra and Diwali festivals came also came. This advice also could not give any solace to me. It was tough time for me personally, though I got little more time with family, but I was not happy at all. Finally, the most awaited day came. I did my last day formalities and went to meet my manager also. As a good gesture, I wanted to say goodbye to everyone with whom I worked with. I did not want to come out with any grudge for anybody. It was a burden for me, so for my sake, I went to meet my manager also. That day was a memorable day. There were lot of emotions going inside me. There was no official send off by anybody except one good friend. He came down till the exit to see me off.
My heart was heavy as I spent 4.5 years in this company, and finally I was coming out like this. But it was time to move with lot of good and not so memories. But I still remember what my manager told me when I went to ask for early release, “Let’s follow the process”.