How An Opportunity Can Change Your Life

A long time back when I was fresh out of college. I started looking for a job. I had a group of friends who were also searching for jobs. We used to go together for interviews whenever there was any bulk opening for graduates. One fine day, with one of my friends, Vivek, and a few others, went for such an interview. We appeared for a written test and were told that they would get back to us in a few days.

The same day I had an interview call from some small company. Vivek did not had this call. This company was very near to the place where Vivek was staying. That day, he did not have any other plan so I asked him to come along with me. He was hesitant at first but after too much insisting, he came along.

Photo on Unsplash by Paul Skorupskas

Luckily, they allowed him also to write the written test. After a few hours, the result was announced. Vivek cleared the first round, though I could not make it.He proceeded further with the next round and by the end of the day, he finished all interview rounds and finally got selected. A few days later he received an offer letter also, and he joined them immediately. He worked there for around 3-4 years and got good hikes and promotions also.

Whenever we met, he mentioned this incident and that it was I who pushed him that day and he got his first job. However, I did not do anything apart from convincing him to come along to the interview venue and appear for the interview.

I see this incident as an opportunity used properly. We both were trying for jobs, and we both had our preparations but it was a day when opportunity knocked on his doors and he welcomed it. In our lives, we also get such opportunities. If we take that chance, sometimes life changes completely.

The point here is to never reject any opportunity outrightly. Before saying No, just have a look at the pros and cons. Weigh it properly. Think in the long term and if still doesn’t excite you, then say No to that. But at least give it a chance, give it a thought. Don’t say No because things did not work in the past, or due to some other presumptions. You never know what destiny has decided for you and it is just a matter of time before life will change completely for you.