A good coach can help you get clarity on available options.
Here we will see how a coach becomes a thinking partner with coachee and helps in getting clarity on available options.
Coach — What do you want to discuss today’s coaching session ?
Coachee — I started my career into marketing in 2017. Till mid of 2019, I was working as a marketing executive with a small media company, along with that I was learning digital marketing also. In mid of 2019, I left my job and started working as freelancer in digital marketing. I was doing that till Dec 2020.
I have a hobby of photography, so I quit digital marketing and started freelance photography in Jan 2021. There is no regular income and nothing much is happening. Continuing this way I am not able to support my family financially. Hence I am feeling helpless and demotivated. I am not getting any marketing job also. I am getting something in photography but not sure about the future. What to do? Please guide me.

Coach — So what I understand here is your core experience is in marketing, you have some digital marketing experience also, and you have photography as your hobby which you wanted to make your profession but not able to generate regular income through that and that’s why not able to support the family. Is this understanding correct?
Coach — yes coach.
Coach — Also you mentioned, you are feeling helpless and demotivated? Is it because you could not pursue your hobby or because not able to get any job to support your family?
Coachee — I am looking for job but confused where I should try, nothing much I got in marketing.
Coach — Ok, so want to get a job so you can start supporting your family and that’s why you are feeling helpless and demotivated, right?
Coachee — Yes, coach.
Coach — So what all job option you have tried so far? Marketing, digital marketing or photography?
Coachee — I have tried marketing job but not much luck there, there is gap now and getting less or same package what I was getting earlier. I have one option for photography job, where I got positive response.
Coach — Ok, so which area you would like to continue searching your job? what about this photography job?
Coachee — I am fine with any job now but thinking how the future would be in photography.
Coach — Do you have any other job options available in marketing or digital marketing for you which you can wait, and this photography job opportunity let go.
Coachee — No other offer in marketing or digital marketing, nothing else as of now.
Coach — So what option do you see now ?
Coachee — Only one option is this photography job offer.
Coach — any other option you can think off, may be coming in future and you can wait for that.
Coachee — Nothing as such in pipeline.
Coach — So now we have only photography job option, right?
Coachee — yes coach.
Coach — What challenge you see in accepting this job offer?
Coachee — They are offering little less than what I am expecting but the good thing is they have given me option to move in marketing in future if I want to switch.
Coach — Is it not a good thing that you would have both options to choose from and decide in future ?
Coachee — ya, it’s a good option.
Coach — And is there a possibility of negotiation on compensation?
Coachee — Yes, can try.
Coach — So what you think you should do next?
Coachee — I think I should take this offer.
Coach — Still you have any confusion or ambiguity regarding this offer ?
Coachee — No Coach, I am very much clear now. It was all in my head but when I talked to you I realized what options I have and what I want to do next. Now I have clarity on available options. Thank you very much Coach for this wonderful discussion, it really helped a lot.
Coach — You are welcome !!!