Purpose can drive you towards your goals..
People says practice makes a man perfect. To acquire a new skill or to master a craft require lots of practice. You need to repeat the same action, the same habit every day until it becomes your second nature, until it starts happening automatically for you. So till that time you need to keep practicing, keep repeating the same actions. Is it that easy to repeat the some action every day? Would you have the same excitement you had on day 1 or day 2? I don’t think so.

Photo by Mark Fletcher-Brown on Unsplash
After a particular point, it’s not as enjoyable as it was in the start. It starts getting boring. Repeating same actions, similar way is not easy. It requires lots of patience, lot of motivation. From where to get this motivation? How to be consistent? How to get going when going gets tough.
I think the motivation comes from the purpose to start the habit or the practice. It is something like doing exercise every day and the purpose is to keep yourself healthy. Or to write every day and the purpose may be to tell the stories to the world or may be just to express yourself. Until unless the purpose is there, consistency would not come.
Basically there are two kinds of desires or voices would come inside us. One would tempt you to quit and get rid of the boredom. Other would hold you and ask you to have patience and continue with the habit or practice. It is up to you which voice you would listen and act accordingly. We need to make a choice here, which way to go. It is just the struggle between these two desires, which one wins would depend on the strength of the desire or voice.
Winning with Purpose
To win in this struggle, what we need to do is to strengthen the desire to continue the habit or practice with the power of purpose. We need to keep reminding ourselves the purpose behind the habit or practice. With continues reminder, we need to boost or fuel the desire to continue. With this strong desire only you will win the struggle and would march towards mastering any skill or craft which in turn would open doors of opportunities for you.