It is the Time for Reflection of the year 2021.
Today is the last day of year 2021. It’s a good time for reflection. We should look back and see what went well ? what didn’t go well ? Are there any challenges/ impediments there to carry in new year ? What actions we can take to resolve these impediments.
Obviously we all have some good, some bad or very bad memories of this year. Our personal or professional life would surely have challenges. Some actions we would have already planned or would have started working on them. This is the best time to look back, reflect and ask these questions to yourself.

Covid gave us memories
You would surely have some moments to cherish, the time spent with family, started following your passion or could able to do something which you were postponing for many years. All these things would have created some beautiful memories which you want to cherish for many years. Covid impacted everyone in multiple ways. Some of us would have even lost our near and dear ones. This loss is unimaginable and unforgettable and would be there with us till the end of our lives.
Work From Home – New Normal
This year also went in Covid only. Lot of us working from home or working from office in hybrid model. Few of us would have started going to work full time also. People realized that complete remote work is also possible. There was no compromise on productivity. People taste the blood and now nobody wants to go back to office.
Work Life Balance – Time for Reflection
People started to work on their hobbies this year. I know some examples where people made their hobby as their full time job. Although we were happy with our work-life-balance, actually there was no balance. Covid made us realize that life always should have first priority and it comes before work. So this idea of work-life-balance was an illusion. After staying at home for long time this realization got stronger.
Hopes for Future
2022 is a year of hope, it’s a year of new initiatives and new plans. Many of us already started thinking of different future plans where things revolves around I, my family and personal life and these plans are very much different from pre COVID era plans. We want to live our life fully and not in any illusion anymore.