Everyone needs to have right strategy to achieve their goals..
Everyone needs a coach at some point of time in their career journey. Usually there would be lot of confusion and lot of choices to choose from. You would be struggling to decide on how to move forward. Sometimes even after having decades of professional experience, the dilemma would not go away. Certainly you should have a purpose and a right strategy to achieve your goals.

Recently I was talking to a professional who is having 25+ years of total experience. He is working with a reputed organization at a high position and spent around 20+ years in the same organization. He was looking for guidance on how to make a career switch now. At this juncture he was not having many choices. I would not go into the details of the discussion I had with this person. However I will share an idea which I usually suggest to people. It’s all about aligning your actions and energy in line with your goal. Working towards your goals regularly is the key to success.
How to define your goals
A small exercise can help you in having this alignment. To begin with, take a pen and paper, write down all your goals and aspirations on this paper. Break down these long term or bigger goals into small or short term goals. Accordingly think about what options, opportunities and resources are available you to achieve your goals. Based on the priority and available feasible options, decide on your actions which you can start taking from now onward. Therefore, you set some timelines to review these actions. After you achieve small goals, review you strategy and change or tweak it, if required. Although, It is good to have goals, taking appropriate actions regularly is the key to success.