Short Story : The Last Wish

It was a story of old parents, whose kids were staying abroad. Here in India, both the parents staying alone. Wife had paralysis and she was bed ridden. Husband, with his age problems also, used to do daily chores alone. It was really difficult for him to manage. He used to very often tell his kids that come back sometime. It’s very difficult for him to do all that alone, but both their son were always having some or other excuses to come back.

One day, when the lady woke up in the morning, she noticed that her husband is still sleeping. She waited for long time but he did not wake up. She started getting worried after a long time also her husband did not wake. She kind of got the sense that her husband is no more. She could not on her own, but still she tried to move to phone, kept at another corner of the room. She struggled for hours to reach to the phone. Finally she could reach to the phone. She dialed the number of one of the neighbor but she could speak a word. But neighbors could make it that call came and nobody is speaking means something is wrong. They immediately rushed to their home and found that husband was and wife was lying near the phone, unconscious. They called ambulance and took him hospital, but it was late. He was brought dead to the hospital. Doctors checked her wife, she was also unconscious. She got admitted to ICU and doctors were the formalities for her husband. Neighbors brought back husband’s body from hospital to home. They called their sons in abroad but both the sons said it will take time for them to come back, you proceed for their father’s last rites. The moment neighbors were about to take his body cremation, a call came from hospital. His wife also passed away during treatment in hospital. Everyone was shocked and deeply sad. Both husband wife were taken to for their last rituals together but their sons were not there. Both had their last wish that their sons would be doing their last rites but destiny had some other plans. Neighbors finished the cremation and irony was their owns kids were not available in their last time.